stickers Archieven - Street-art

I Wish I Said Hello

Posted on 25th juni 2012 in Blog

According to Wikipedia, a missed connection is an occurrence where two or more people are unable to exchange contact information or the information that is exchanged is lost. These missed connections are generally associated with romance, but they may also be business-related or otherwise. Through the use of publications and websites some people seek to reconnect with their missed connection.

We find there’s something poetic about this desperate hope for the reencounter, but also something very ironic about using the internet as the tool to achieve it. It turns out that in the era of social media, when we’re supposedly connected to anyone in the world, the network of missed connections is one of the most inefficient ones.

I Wish I Said Hello attempts to bring missed connection stories back to the public space in the form of street art.

Our goal is not to be another platform for reconnection, rather than a celebration of everyday poetics, a physical mapping of a digital network, a commentary on the role of technology in human communication.

Zo’n projectbeschrijving ga je niet vertalen, dan haal je de romantiek eruit…heb er ook gewoon even geen zin in. Samenvatting: wijze woorden, een mooi concept, een leuk project. Nu zijn de stickers alleen nog maar te vinden in het pittoreske Manhattan, maar “I Wish I Said Hello” is bedoeld als global project. En missed connections vinden toch overal plaats? Doen mee en maak “I Wish I Said Hello” internationaal:

Meer over het “I Wish I Said Hello” project:

LASTPLAK komt met boek

Posted on 13th februari 2012 in Blog

Tien kunstenaars, tien jaar werk, dan kun je wel 32 boeken vullen. Laten we met één beginnen moet het collectief Lastplak gedacht hebben. “Hello, our name is Lastplak and we love to paint” gaat het boek heten. Het is er nog niet, maar je kunt het boek al wel pre-orderen. Waar? HIER.
