Street-art | Blog & Online Gallery - Vhils, Lisabon

Vhils, Lisabon

Posted on 6th april 2011 in Blog

Vhils Lisabon

Vhils doet Lisabon aan als onderdeel van ’t Crono Project:

‘Crono’ emerges from a commitment with Urban Art based on the premise that we are all as ephemeral as all our creations – a way of reflecting upon time and enhancing a new dimension of the city: the city as a living organism which is built and created in a spontaneous, natural and free way. It is within this dynamics of appropriation of Lisbon’s spaces that, over four stages which correspond to the four seasons of the year, several commissioned paintings with an urban impact and the registering of different environments of the capital throughout time will be carried out.

With the aim of establishing an itinerary of Urban Art in Lisbon over four periods of the year, a selection of internationally renowned artists will be invited to develop interventions alongside Portuguese artists and local communities in a process of ‘urban curatorship’, which has the support of the Lisbon City Council in providing locations in the city for this purpose.